Protection of soil and groundwater

Meged wells are partially located over the Havurat Yehuda aquifer in the Yarkon-Taninim basin. In accordance with this, and in order to ensure complete isolation of the drilling materials and produced fluids from the groundwater, Givot Olam implements a series of industry specified measures:

Until the drilled depth is 1000m below the base of the aquifer, drilling mud is comprised solely of fresh water and bentonite, a natural clayey material which is non-polluting.

Each well is cased with three layers of metal casing from the surface down to 1000m below the base of the aquifer. Each layer is cemented into place and there is a pressure monitoring system to show in real time the integrity of the isolation.

All chemicals are stored onsite in bunds on cemented surfaces, with a collection and treatment system for rainwater runoff.

Givot Olam has drilled two groundwater monitoring wells downstream of the aquifer to its Meged wells, to assure in real time the continued protection of the groundwater quality

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